Thursday, 5 December 2013

Spider-man: Turn Off The Dark Theatre Production

My friend told me to check out this stage set from the new Spider-man production running in New York that she got the chance to see. She didn't reckon much to the play but the sets were amazing and I have to agree! They are so dynamic, it's hard to imagine they're all used the same space. They had 58 scenic set ups, world record? I wasn't expecting so much variety; most of the productions I've seen have had a key piece of scenery and added or taken away bits which is also pretty impressive to do but they have gone all out for this, (they spent 6 weeks digging a seven foot deep hole in the cock pit for 3 elevators) no expense spared! All the colours are so eye catching and fit the scenes perfectly although I do believe more than 1,800 focusable fixtures, 157 automated fixtures, 554 LED fixtures and over ¼ mile of linear LEDs had something to do with this.

The Chrysler Building reaches out from the stage and unfolds into the audience it is first stored in the hanging position where it is pointing vertically down and folded in half. As it flies in, it actuates and opens to a total length of 50’ in a horizontal position and it extends over the fourth row of the audience. Adding to the effect of the web-slinger’s bird’s-eye view, the stage floor rises up on an angle, revealing lightboxes built-in to the ramps that are digitally printed with stylized Art Deco building elements. Associate Scenic Designer Rob Bissinger explained, “That particular scene shifts the audience’s perspective so they view the stage as if they are standing on top of the Chrysler Building looking down onto the street, it is absolutely breathtaking.”

  Even though I've not seen the play I feel I know the production after researching just the sets, they really do everything for the audience to feel part of the action which I feel is very important!

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